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Branded Golf Bag USB Flash Drive CPC12

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Golf Bag USB Flash Drive

Golf Bag USB Flash Drive

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This is a bespoke design example. You can have any design shape, colour scheme and logo branding that you choose. What shape will represent your brand in a creative way?

The minimum order quantity is 100 pieces.

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For CPC12 memory sizes are 128MB 256MB 512MB 1GB 2GB 4GB 8GB 16GB 32GB 64GB

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Anybody for a round of golf?

A USB stick encased in the rubber mould in the 3d shape of a golf bag branded with a company logo. A nifty corporate gift for golf enthusiasts.

The Golf Bag USB Flash Drive is always popular for an ice breaker when business meet for a round of golf. "Well it's been great meeting you and we must have a re-match. Oh, and by the way, here, have one of these."

Product Code:CPC12
Flash Memory Sizes:128MB 256MB 512MB 1GB 2GB 4GB 8GB 16GB 32GB 64GB
Minimum Order:100 pieces

Branded custom bespoke usb sticks

We offer our custom bespoke USB sticks with your company logo or a custom design that you choose, making them perfect as promotional gifts. When we provide a price quote, it will include the branding style you prefer.

If you'd like more details about our promotional custom bespoke USB sticks, simply click >> Get a quote << above. Whether you have questions or need a sample to see how it fits your marketing campaign or gifting idea, we're here to help.


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Golf Bag USB Flash Drive opened

Golf Bag USB Flash Drive opened

Golf Bag USB Flash Drive open oblique

Golf Bag USB Flash Drive opened