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Promotional Chocolate Coins

We sell all of our chocolate coin packs with your company branding printed on the wrappers so that you can use them either as in-house gifts or for promotional giveaways at events.

This is a holding page for future products coming soon. Please bear with us or ask Crazy Dave what we can supply.

Logo Branded Chocolate Coins

Here's our selection of promotional chocolate coins with logo printed wrappers and container lids for promotional gifts. The coins are delicious discs of milk chocolate that are stamped with £1. They are available in gold and silver foil and you can have them mixed.

Chocolate Coins are available in these logo printed containers: Organza Bag · Money Box Tin · Flow Bag Printed Label · Flow Bag Digital Print · Carousel Tin · Small Paint Tin · Large Pouch · Small Pouch · Maxi Round Pot.

We show details for five of those and you can see the others at the bottom of the page. So if you want more details on those please ask Crazy Dave.


Logo branded chocolate coins

Promotional chocolate coins

Here's a preview of others - please ask Crazy Dave for details.

We have more products than shown above. Please ask Crazy Dave about these printed packaging options.

Branded chocolate coins